Privacy policy
Privacy policy
Privacy policy…
Data ethics
The internet cultural portal ‘’ has the ethical conviction that within the framework of their basic democratic rights, each individual has, and should always have, a personal right of access to the personal data which is saved by companies, in particular the large companies engaged in the internet and online shopping.
Furthermore, we believe that in the context of their informational and digital self-determination as well as their fundamental democratic rights to informational self-determination and free will, people can and should always be able to decide for themselves which of their personal data and information may be saved by companies.
In the context of the basic democratic right of each individual, to individual informational self-determination, these personal data include visual data (e.g., photos), audio data, biometric data and all other personal data.
In a technological and networked society and increasingly technological world, the internet cultural portal ‘’ believes that people count as people and should always be regarded as such.
People should not be seen as “transparent customers” or as a potentially interesting consumer target group, but rather as individuals with personalities, talents, and creative skills.
Privacy policy, data ethics, information ethics, sparing use of data, informational self-determination, digital and technological self-determination as well as the democratic right of informational self-determination are important components of the basic democratic values and ethical principles of the internet cultural portal ‘’.
In the operation of its cultural website, the internet cultural portal ‘’ pursues a positive ethical policy of sparing use of data:
“As much data as necessary and as little data as possible.”