About this website
The internet portal TheWhiteRider.eu is an internet cultural portal with a focus on nature and culture in Europe.
The content of the cultural internet portal ‘thewhiterider.eu’ includes the following topics:
- castles & castle ruins
- stately homes
- monasteries & Gothic abbeys
- medieval & historical markets
- Gothic architecture
- nature & love of the natural world
- mystical Gothic ruins
- creativity & phantasy
- fairy tales & legends
- phantasy literature
- cultural exhibitions & events, art exhibitions & events
- classical music & classical music concerts
- religious music and religious music concerts
- events, concerts, & festivities at Easter, Whitsun, Harvest festivals, Advent & Christmas
- cookery & gourmet events
- mystery (for example mystery dinner shows in castles)
- nostalgia
- photographs of medieval markets and historical venues
- publication of our own photographs and artistic images in ‘thewhiterider.eu’.
What social values does the internet portal ‘thewhiterider.eu’ represent?
The cultural internet portal ‘thewhiterider.eu’ represents the following fundamental social values:
- freedom
- creativity and imagination
- development of talent and creativity
- charity
- child-friendliness & children’s welfare
- democratic values
- love and respect of nature & nature conservation
- animal welfare, animal protection & conservation of species
- ethical respect of creation
- enthusiasm for culture and nature.